As requested by our American colleagues and friends, the 10th Congress of American and Italian Plastic Surgeons will take place in the two Italian cities.
The scientific session will of course take place in Padova, renown all over the world for its leading research studies in Science and the Humanities.
Among the most eminent professors coming from the University of Padova are – just to mention a few – Galileo Galilei, founder of the experimental method in scientific research, Andrea Vesalio and William Harvey especially known for their research on Human Anatomy.
As for Venezia, the Queen of the sea for almost a Millennium is famous world-wide for both its natural beauties and for housing great masters among painters, sculpture artists and engineers.
We hope that during the congress, our guests will be captivated and fascinated by the appeal of the two cities.
Tour escorts will take you to visit the most important monuments and museums. Both inshore and sea travel will be carried out during the day – under a most wonderful sun – or at night – in the moonlight.
Franco Mazzoleni
Con il patrocinio Università degli Studi di Padova
Comitato Scientifico:
Prof. F. Bassetto – Dr. B. Azzena
Crediti ECM assegnati: 7 per Medici Chirurghi Plastici