Release and authorization for audio/video recording

Release and authorization for audio/video recording

"*" indicates required fields

If the event lasts several days, it is shown the first day


I, the undersigned

Indicate for example Dr., Prof., etc.



  • that by Article 96 of Law No. 633 of April 22, 1941 (Copyright Law) the portrait (image) of a person may not be exhibited, reproduced or marketed without his or her consent. However, according to Article 97, the consent of the person portrayed is not required when the reproduction of the image is justified by the notoriety or public office held, the necessity of justice or the police, scientific, educational or cultural purposes, or when the reproduction of the image is related to facts, events, ceremonies of public interest or which have taken place in public.
  • that in online learning (FAD) events, unless otherwise stipulated by the organizer, the times to use the training are chosen independently by the individual participant (so-called diachronicity or asynchronicity of use);
  • that one of the main features of online learning (FAD) training events, is that they can be reviewed multiple times by each individual registrant due to the use of durable materials (paper, audio, video, computer, electronic, multimedia) that allow unlimited use of the training content, at different times and places;
  • that in the case of delivery of online learning (FAD) by means of web platforms or IT tools, the provider/Organizing Srl secretariat (limited to CME events) is obliged to ensure the maintenance of a digital copy, accessible only to those registered for the event or to the AGENAS Commission, of the entire training activity delivered, for 5 years following the date of the training event;

All of the above:



ORGANIZING Srl Unipersonale to the use of his/her image for the realization of video recordings and multimedia material for popular scientific and educational purposes referred to the scheduled FAD event and to the publication of the audio-visual material on the AGENAS portal (if it is a CME event) as well as on the accredited platform for FAD of ORGANIZING Srl Unipersonale;



for the duration of 5 years starting from the date of the scheduled FAD event, a non-exclusive license free-of-charge for the use of educational material (e.g., slides) if it is an CME event – pursuant to Articles 12 to 19 of Law No. 633 dated April 22, 1941 – for the benefit of the learners enrolled in the FAD course only, without prejudice to the prohibition of the use of images and videos in contexts that harm personal dignity and decorum. Any other use is excluded. If it is not a CME event/course, the recorded videos will be stored in the appropriate digital archives of Organizing Srl, but not published (only the course Scientific Director will be entitled to duly request their viewing for mere scientific purposes).



● that under no circumstances shall the undersigned have any recourse against ORGANIZING Srl Unipersonale for compensation for any moral and material damage caused by third parties and/or uses not provided for in this release.


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I, the Author/Reviewer for acknowledgement for acceptance*


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